Meet Kaelyn Attridge: Water Woman, Media Go-Getter and Bateman’s Adam Sandler Envoy

Fresh out of college, eager and ready to take on the world of public relations — it’s time to meet Kaelyn Attridge. While some would expect it to take some stumbles before becoming a rockstar at their first job, Kaelyn has hit the ground running, performing at a high standard and securing coverage in her first quarter at Bateman Agency.

There’s one top principle Kaelyn tries to live by: “there is nothing to lose from trying something new.” Kaelyn never thought she would be working in the tech industry, but it has already proved to be a fulfilling and rewarding way to start her career. 

Kaelyn and the Attridge family!

Family, Water and… Whales

Kaelyn brings a certain calm and collected tone to Bateman Agency, which makes sense, as she is happiest when she’s outdoors or on the water — boating or paddle boarding (bonus happy points if she’s with her family and friends). Growing up in coastal Massachusetts, Kaelyn is accustomed to spending time at the beach, taking long walks, breathing in salty air, and connecting with nature. One of her favorite things to do with her family is take a boat out onto the Boston Harbor and whale watch. “We’ve gotten really close to a humpback whale once,” she recalls.

Knowing her love for the water helps understand Kaelyn’s approach to public relations — calm in appearance, but strong and powerful like a current under the surface. 

Traveler, Dreamer, Mental Health Advocate

While Kaelyn loves her home and it will always hold an important place in her heart, she’s excited to begin traveling the world again. Her last trip abroad was cut short due to COVID-19, and she is now planning to tackle a top-three list: Greece, Spain and Ireland. Kaelyn says traveling helps her to reset and try new things, which has a positive impact on her mental health. 

Kaelyn is a BIG fan of Brene Brown, a researcher specializing in the human mind. Kaelyn has always had a special interest in learning more about the mind and how we navigate the world. “I believe that we will keep learning new things about ourselves for the rest of our lives, so the dialogue around the vulnerabilities of navigating struggles in our lives and understanding our minds is something to foster and celebrate,” says Kaelyn. She also looks up to her sister, who is a life coach, and tries to learn from her and other mental health resources to be a source of support for the people around her.

Social Butterfly

When Kaelyn is asked how she spent her previous weekend, her answer most often involves spending time with her friends… She loves quality time with her girlfriends — laughing, wining and dining, and reading their birth charts (she’s a Taurus, Cancer moon, Scorpio rising). In addition to astrology, Kaelyn is particularly interested in pop culture. The combination of her social butterfly tendencies of getting to know new people and her genuine interest in what’s going on celebrity insider information (her favorite podcast is “Deux Moi”) sets her up as a born-to-be media woman.

Fun fact: Kaelyn was a production assistant for Netflix’s Hubie Halloween starring Adam Sandler and Julie Bowen!